
南·斯图尔特感到惊讶, 我很惊讶, 星期六下午当她的同名大楼, 斯图亚特·霍尔, 是献给太阳城电子app的. 在听了10美元的制作过程后.300万年, 50-bed dormitory was used to educate 26 girls about design and construction, Stuart took the podium and said she would give scholarships to any of those students who decided to study architecture or engineering because of their experience.

“The great thing is the way the students were able to see and learn from the building as it went up,斯图亚特说。, 1971年毕业于福克斯克罗夫特大学,现任董事. “如果这些女孩中有谁决定学工程学, architecture or architectural engineering because of what they did, 我将提供资金.”

A collective gasp of stunned delight went through the assembled crowd before the students, 女校友, 家庭, 教师, and friends erupted with applause and cheers – and Stuart added, “我在此奉献这座建筑. I commend the Board and school leaders for having the guts to build now.”

Many people contributed to the creation of Foxcroft’s first new dormitory in more than 40 years -- over 100 names were listed on the back of the program. Foxcroft Head of School Mary Louise Leipheimer thanked them all for their generosity and noted that the dedication of the dorm on the eve of the School's 百周年庆典 Kickoff made it a special thrill.
然后她反败为胜, surprising her erstwhile English student with a portrait of her and her dogs. 这幅画, 由刚毕业的学生的父母创建, 米德尔堡的Deb Cadenas, 会不会挂在宿舍的门厅入口处. Stuart received a “study” to take home to Longmont, CO.

早些时候,博士. Maria Eagen, Chair of Foxcroft’s Science Department, and Vivian T., 一位来自台北的大四学生,也是学校的学生主席, spoke about the educational opportunities to which Stuart referred when making her stunning offer of college scholarships.

“The construction of 斯图亚特·霍尔 afforded us a unique opportunity to educate and inspire our students,绿色建筑项目的伊根说, the living learning program led by the project engineers and architects through which 26 students learned all aspects of creating such a building. “Our students learned about topics from footers to finishing touches and everything in between. 令人鼓舞的是,他们在实践中学习. They went outside and dug footers, laid brick, and toured the construction site. . . 非常出色.”

克利夫顿"芯片" R. 小Gruver., chair of the Board’s Building and Grounds Committee, 感谢建筑师, Hord Coplan Macht; contractors Forrester Construction Company of Rockville, MD, and Business Manager Deborah Anderson for their hard work and dedication to the project. “I am proud to report that this building was completed on schedule, 预算, 没有债务,格鲁弗说. 这是惊人的.”

牧师. 罗伯特·L. 小Banse., 在厄普维尔的三一教堂, VA, 给予雄辩的祝福, asking among other things that the dormitory’s hallways be constantly filled with laughter, 愤怒和眼泪都要以同情来面对, and “When conversations turn to the subject of boys, 马, 生命的意义, 或者其他重要的话题, 清晰而诚实的真理和智慧占上风.”

Following the ceremony, all present were invited to tour the 26,000-square-ft. building -- Foxcroft's third new building in five years and first “LEED-certified “green” edifice. 斯图亚特·霍尔 uses geothermal wells for efficient heating and cooling, and regional and recycled materials for many of its components. An interactive “energy dashboard” that was created by students working with Lucid 技术 and Anderson hangs in the front hall, enabling students and visitors to monitor the building’s water and power use, 还有当地的天气. It also has information about Foxcroft’s green practices, 环保小贴士, and a video about how the Foxcroft Go Green logo came into being.

太阳城电子app成立于1914年.芙特.org ) is a college-preparatory boarding and day school for girls in grades 9-12 located in Middleburg VA. Its 2013-14 student body is comprised of 165 girls from 21 states and the District of Columbia, 还有9个国家. About one-third of the students receive financial assistance. Foxcroft提供75门课程, including 15 Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 (Science, 技术, 工程, 数学)项目. 它派出了9个运动项目的运动队, including a nationally-known riding program and state finalist field hockey and lacrosse teams. The 36 members of the Class of 2013 were offered 139 acceptances and nearly $1.2 million in merit scholarships from 100 colleges and universities in the U.S., England, France and Scotland, including Barnard, Cornell, UCLA, Washington & 李和弗吉尼亚.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.